Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hellooooo Blogging World!

Well, I have given in to the blog world. Starting this blog actually reminds me a lot of the old blog days of Xanga…does anyone else remember Xanga? Oh goodness gracious, those wonderfully awkward Jr. High times. Anyways, I had fun thinking of a title for my blog. If you know me well enough, you may know one of my ultimate favorite scents is marshmallows. Mmmmm-hmmmm! Whenever I’m in a grocery store and wander through the baking isle (which is only about every time I head to the grocery store : ) ), I can’t help but pick up a bag of mallows, press my nose against the bag, and take a big whiff. I don’t even care other people look strangely at me, totally worth it! I would highly recommend it. Forget about the roses, sometimes you just need to stop and smell the mallows.

Today I have been staring at my computer screen for majority of the day working on homework. Which is probably why I decided to start some blogging…I needed a good break and distraction.  In the afternoon though the sun decided to grace us with her presence, and it was just too nice to not go enjoy it! I stopped my homework and went for a run (perfect way to de-stress!) while jamming out to some...are you ready for this?...Ke$ha. I was against her at first - considering I think she has no vocal talent what-so-ever, but now she has become one of my music guilty pleasures (alongside Miley Cyrus). I blame my roommate for that one. Well, I seem to always see some interesting things on my runs. Ranging from kids on leashes to creepy old men winking at me while smoking pipes. Today on my run I ran past this older couple who were actually wearing matching shirts. Not just matching shirts, matching polo shirts. No wait, matching pink polo shirts. Really? Really? ‘Real men wear pink’? You be the judge.

I have recently discovered the blog Cake Wrecks. Its a blog where people send in pictures of wrecked, creepy, awful handwriting and grammar, professional cakes. Needless to say, its very entertaining. Here are some classics.  Sometimes though, the website will also display cakes that are seriously awesome. So if you're a Lost fan (and if you aren't, you should be) you will definitely enjoy these! 

I’m thinking that I should end every post with a movie quote. Given if I get some followers, then on random blog days, if you guess correctly I will pick at random and, out of the goodness of my heart, bake you some delicious treats. So here is today’s movie quote:
“Hey look, it’s the Leaning Tower of Cheesa!”

Some countdowns that I am very much looking forward to!:
This Tuesday - GLEE returns! (its about time)
October 5th - Beauty & The Beast is released from the vault (also about time!)
October 8th - Katie's bachelorette party
October 14th - Fall break (much needed)
October 16th - Katie & Tyler's wedding!
October 27th - Spring Awakening (so excited to finallllllly see this!)

1 comment:

  1. The quote is from A Goofy Movie...duh :)

    I am also very much looking forward to all of the things you are very much looking forward to. Yay!

