Monday, October 18, 2010

Short & Sweet

Short & sweet new post. First of all, Mellow for Mallows is no longer. I've changed the name of the blog to Manic for Mallows. When first creating my blog I was attempting to think of describing words that started with an M to go with mallows, and mellow was all I could come up with. Though my love for mallows is anything but mellow : )Thanks to Renee for suggesting the word manic - much more suiting!

My sister Katie got married this weekend! It was perfect weather, she looked beautiful, so much delicious food and cake (major food baby after this weekend) and it was a great wedding weekend extravaganza! But my highlight was definitely when Katie and Tyler were leaving with people waving sparklers, me and Alex battled into a duel. Harry Potter style.
My beautiful MARRIED seeester : )

In summary: this weekend was (in the words of kfc) so S-O, G-double O D good! (just like the mallows they had for smores!)
Proof of my mallows love- definitely the best when burned to a crisp on the outside and mushy in the middle. I will need to go on multiple jogs this week to even out for all the sugar I had, but hey, thats what weddings are for : )

Random rablings...
I love Ellen Degeneres. I wish I had time to watch her more often. She never fails to make me laugh. (for other fellow Ellen fans..."Dennis Quaid is here!" : ) love it, can't get enough of undercover dennis quaid) Ellen often does a segment called "Whats wrong with these photos? Photos" where people send in pictures of things that aren't quite right. Today at target, I was browsing through the clearance section and found this...

I was seriously considering buying it just to get a picture, but instead...I went home, got my camera, came back in hopes it would still be there, and just my luck, it was indeed! (I mean, I think I can understand why poor Belle has not been purchased and is on clearance) What did I do next? Send it in to Ellen? Yup. We'll see if Belle is up to Ellen's par for her whats wrong with these photos photos. Maybe getting a picture of someone drinking out of this would be better...and by better I of course mean worse.

Movie quote of today's blog... "If I'm not back in 5 minutes...just wait longer."

I hope you guys have a wonderful week, go outside and enjoy this beautiful fall weather - Perfect for KU homecoming week!

1 comment:

  1. ace ventura! your blog is adorable. and for the record i'd totally buy the high heel cookies.

    "suddenly an unconscious argentinian fell through my roof... he was quickly joined by a dwarf dressed as a nun."
