Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part uno finallllllllly came out! It seems like we've been waiting for forever. My sister got the tickets and I went to the midnight showing in KC with the lovely Renee and Katie, which I was majorly looking forward to since I hadn't been to a midnight showing since The Goblet of Fire. Midnight showings are the only way to go. You're surrounded by fans who dress up, quiz strangers on HP knowledge, and cheer, laugh, cry, and applaude all in unison.
Ohh the beauty of sweats, no makeup, and looking ready for bed. I considered dressing up in costume, buttttttttt I figured after a long day at practicum and driving to KC, I preferred comfort over a costume. Although we did see tons of people dressed up. Even older people in their 40s and 50s. (Awesome? I think so. I hope thats me when I'm older.)
Cute sleepy girls. Don't worry, they got their burst of energy once it started! Good thing was that there were only a few majorly overly-obnoxious fans in our theatre. I still love that if you are that type of fan though, its totally acceptable to make a complete fool of yourself amongst other HP fans. But once you get into the real world, you may be a tiny bit judged.
Now only to wait 8 more months until part 2...On the plus side though, that gives me time to finish the book! I've read all of them except the last one. I'm about 1/3 of the way through, and even though I know what happens and how it ends, I'm looking forward to finally join others in saying I've read the whole series!
ALSO, if you are a HP fan, or even if you're not...you need to watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwM_AKeMCk Hands down. If you aren't sucked in and singing along in the first few minutes, well...lets not go there. Because you'll love it! Disclaimer: I was a fan of Darren Criss on here before he became a Glee sensation.
After the show got over around 3 I slept over at my sister's apartment so I didn't have to drive all the way back to Lawrence when I needed some serious zzzzzzzzs. It had been a rough week of school with yet another paper due, and a huge group project proposal presentation. Sometimes I'm so over group projects, but in the wonderful world of social work thats all we do. Lovely. So, Friday was my day off and I needed some relaxation. I slept in til 10 (which hasn't been done in a loooong time), got some Starbucks (sadly not a pumpkin spice latte. That morning I needed straight up black coffee), and then definitely spent a good 3 hours at Borders with my computer listening to music and browsing through magazines. Mostly holiday baking/crafty magazines, but also threw in some fit mags and a girly mag to complete my day : )
This was in front of my parking spot at Borders that I had to get a picture of to ask you guys what, or who, in the world is this supposed to be of?! Albert Einstein? Santa Claus? A ghost?? What do you think?! I'm so confused.
Yesterday was quite the day out of the ordinary. Some friends invited me along to join them in KC to make a cheesy music video to the completely ridiculous song Christmas in Kansas City. This song plays on the radio around this time, and it is the. worst. song. ever. But its also great because of the fact that its so bad. How could I oblige to this offer? I accepted. Bought a tacky xmas sweater from goodwill. Made my appearance as a keyboard player that can play while doing a handstand. and am told this video will soon be on youtube. Goo, watch out world wide web!
One more day that I need to make it through until I leave for Texas for Thanksgiving! YAY. I'm so ready for a break away from school, not to mention heading south where the warm weather is is a major plus in my book : ) I have a lot to do before then, but then I head out Tuesday, with a pit stop in OKC to visit some good friends! On my to-do list today...
1) Finish a butt load of laundry
2) pack for Texas
3) Go for a run since the weather turned out so beautiful today
4) Finish ku grad school apps to give to my teacher tomorrow for a letter of rec
5) write a 2 page response paper over suicide...I'm sure i'll feel so overjoyed and happy when writing it. Who wouldn't?
6) make some mixed cds for my drive down to TX
7) Bake something pumpkiny to use up some opened pumpkin thats about to expire
8) watch Elf : ) This should probably be my top priority...
I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, blessed Thanksgiving with all your families!! Remember to be thankful for everything God has blessed you with, and tell those you love how thankful you are for them : ) I'm looking forward to lots of family time, endless delicious food, and lots of rounds of games including catch phrase, picture telephone, and Oh Hell. (Jenny, i refuse to play settlers of catan) Then bring on CHRISTMAS! This year I shall spend it in the most random of all places, Montana, with my little seester Fishy.
Movie Quote of the day..."Mom, look. In China everything is old. There's old houses, old parks, old people. Look, this guy is at least four hundred years old!"
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