Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Confession number 1:...I have already started listening to CHRISTMAS music. Truer confession...I started listening to Christmas music mid-October. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Christmas? Since I've been about 7 or so I have gotten used to hearing Christmas music in October. I took piano lessons since I was a youngen and when October hit we had to pick our Christmas piece for our winter recital. So it has become built in me that it is totally normal to listen to Christmas music in October. Branson, MO would agree. And in the spirit of upcoming Christmas, enjoy this little clip. And you should definitely also go buy Dave Barne's christmas cd on itunes.

Oh hey Christmas season, thanks for finally arriving!

Confession number 2:...I used to hate/refuse to eat, touch, or smell peanut butter in any shape or form. Now, I cannot get enough! I'm sure my sisters reading this are making squinty faces and still completely grossed out by this new fact. But hey, I've always been the odd ball of the family (only brunette for example) so they should have seen something like this coming. No one in my family eats peanut butter, except for my mom, so we were never fed it growing up, so I just believed that I should dislike it. When all the other kids in elementary would have PJ&Js, I enjoyed in my JJ&MJ (just jelly and more jelly!) However, I am proud to say I can indulge in delicious pb&js, and my new favorite...peanut butter and banana. Mmm!

Confession number 3:...I also used to hate country music. Thank goodness I finally came around and discovered country music is the best music out there : ) (currently watching the CMA awards!)

Confession number 4:...Apparently I like posing with mannequins...

Confession number 5:...I'm terrified of clowns. Not quite sure why, I've never had a tramatic experience with any. Yet, the phobia still exists.

Confession number 6:...I'm 23, and sometimes still struggle with body image. It can be such a struggle being a woman or young woman these days when we are constantly surrounded by magazines, commercials, and movies telling us that in order to be beautiful you need to be tall, blonde, a certain weight, own fancy clothing labels, own products upon products of makeup, etc, the list seems never-ending. I really didn't even feel completely comfortable or confident in my own skin until this past year. Today in my Wednesday volunteer work I do with Strong Girls through KU, we talked to our girls about body image and what we view as beautiful. This is so important to bring up to young girls (our group of girls are ages 8-13ish) because it seems they are getting hit harder younger and younger with these never-ending distorted images of what beauty is. This can lead to eating disorders, low self-esteem, and a poor body image. It can't be said enough, but the world lies to you on a daily basis.

We watched this Dove commercial... The girls thought A) She was beautiful before anything was done. B) She looked pretty with the makeup on, but then thought it was crazy that even with the makeup, she still wasn't good enough. So the computer had to go in and make her neck longer, eyes bigger, take away blemishes, and create this non-existant "perfect" woman. I encourage all of you ladies reading this to be confident just the way you are : ) Don't try so hard to become a cookie-cutter of what the world tells you you should be. Stand out, and know you. are. beautiful. just the way you are! A verse I love to go back to when I catch myself trying to fix my outside appearance more than what is inside and my heart is 1 Samuel 16:7. It says "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." How much time do I spend getting ready in the morning and looking at myself in the mirror? And how much daily time do I give to God and spend time in his word? Some days it isn't even a competition. (Hint, my self-image usually wins) Even though I don't take much time to get ready anyways, but if I still switched around my time spent getting ready with my time spent in God's word I'm pretty sure my day would be so much better.

I want to encourage any ladies reading this to be confident in yourselves and stop comparing yourself to women on magazines and on tv. Of course, I struggle with this too now & again. But I challenge you to make a statement by maybe not wearing any makeup one day and still feel beautiful, or dressing down, wearing sweat pants and still feeling as confident as you would in your skinny jeans. Sure, some days it sucks to be a woman but on the other hand: Women don't have to worry about going bald or growing hair on their back. (ew.) We can handle stress better than men, and women live longer than men. Enough of my ramblings, hey its the social worker in me. Ladies (and gents), you are BEAUTIFUL! Keep on keepin' on!

Movie Quote Challenge..."Just remember, inside every girl, there's a boy. That came out wrong, but you know what I mean!"

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